PSA Question Bank | Medibuddy

Maximise your performance in the 2024 Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) exam by preparing effectively and efficiently

Introducing the Medibuddy Online PSA Exam Question Bank, featuring:

  • 490+ questions
  • Questions broken down into the format of the exam
    • Prescribing
    • Prescription Review
    • Planning Management
    • Communicating Information
    • Calculation Skills
    • Adverse Drug Reactions
    • Drug Monitoring
    • Data Interpretation

The questions are targeted entirely at the PSA syllabus and cover ailments and drugs you're likely to encounter during FY1 across Medicine, Surgery, Elderly Care, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and General Practice.

How do we compare to other PSA question banks?

Geeky Medics OnExamination PSA Prep Pulse Notes
No. of questions 490+ 500 110 ??? 133
Price £12 £12 £14.99 £10 £10/m

All our PSA questions are written by doctors who scored highly on the exam. We carefully designed the syllabus of the question bank to ensure it covers everything you need to know to pass the exam.

Revising for the PSA can be a struggle. It feels like another arbitrary exam on top of all the other hoops you have to jump through. We feel your pain - we’ve been there ourselves. This is why we put particular care into ensuring all our content is highly targeted at the syllabus. You won’t waste time on topics that won’t come up.

Our feedback has been excellent and we’re confident our question bank has everything you need to pass first time.

If you’re ready to kick start your revision, subscribe today!

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12 months Expires: 28 March, 2026

PSA: Exam Structure

The PSA exam tests your knowledge, skills and judgement of prescribing medicines within the context of the NHS. This includes writing, reviewing and amending prescriptions, calculating drug doses, and identifying adverse drug reactions and medication errors.

The PSA exam is 2 hours, with 60 questions to answer across the 8 areas. There are a total of 200 marks on offer.

The Prescribing section makes up the most marks, with 80 marks available.

This is followed by the Prescription Review section, with 32 marks available.

Planning Management, Providing information about Medicines, Calculation, Adverse Drug Reactions, Drug Monitoring and Drug Interpretation make up the rest of the marks available.

You will take the PSA in either your final year of medical school or during FY1. You must pass the PSA to progress to FY2. So it’s vital that you take it seriously and prepare effectively!

A resource you can trust

The Medibuddy team has been creating educational resources for medical students and doctors for years. We’ve helped thousands of students score highly in exams and interviews, and we’ve put all of that experience into our PSA question bank.

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