How to Prepare for the 2025 Core Surgical Training (CST) Interview Portfolio Station
The 2025 Core Surgical Interview will include a new 10-minute Portfolio Station (as was in place before the COVID-19 Pandemic).
We have updated our question bank with preparation and example answers to possible portfolio stations.
Here is a summary of the updates and how to prepare for the Portfolio Station.
Key updates for 2025
- If invited to the interview, you will be requested to upload an index page with appropriate indicators for each portfolio domain.
- You will assign a letter A to E correlating to which category their evidence sits.
- Evidence will be required to be uploaded onto the portal.
- During the interview, the candidate’s portfolio will be assessed by the interviewers for 10 minutes without the interviewer being present (waiting period)
- After this, there will be a 10-minute virtual interview station.
- You will be asked questions on your achievements in 2 of the domains from the portfolio with 5 minutes for each portfolio domain.
- The choice of questions ‘will be made by the assessors at the time of the evidence review’.
- “Applicants portfolio score will be based on the assessor’s portfolio score and the answers given to the questions” (1)
- Answers to questions based on “skills and knowledge” on a score from 0-6 (0 – no evidence to outstanding – 6) (2).
- Preparation of answers to potential questions about your portfolio is key.
- This is a change from the pre-pandemic Portfolio station, where candidates were previously not directly scored on answers to questions, with questions mainly used to discuss any points of uncertainty in the scoring.
Portfolio domains you may be asked questions about your achievements on
- Surgical Experience/ Commitment to Surgery
- QI/ Audit
- Publications/ Presentations
- Teaching Experience
You’ll find example questions and model answers for each of these in the Medibuddy CST interview question bank.
Evidence preparation
- Take time to prepare accurate and concise evidence relating to your highest category of evidence for each domain.
- There is limited time for interviewers to review this evidence, so you want to make it as straightforward for them to review as possible to ensure you are scored accurately.
Prepare answers to questions
- Be able to summarise your experience in each domain concisely with awareness of the scoring when creating ‘model answers’.
- As a bare minimum, this is summarising your achievements in each of the portfolio points sections.
- The structure and delivery of your answers to questions should be prepared, practised and refined.
- When considering structuring your answers well:
- Start with a strong opening line summarising your top achievements (with reference to portfolio points criteria). This gives the interviewers the key information they need straight away.
- Signposting and structure of answer, for example, explaining your experience using the ‘CAMP’ mnemonic, e.g. “I have shown surgical commitments: clinically, academically, through management and on a personal basis.. clinically this includes…”
- Finish your answer with an action, outcome or how this achievement will make you a better surgical trainee.
- The content of any follow-up questions is not fully understood as this is the first time portfolio answers have been directly scored.
- HEE suggested they will refer to your ‘achievements’; however follow-up questions could be more general in which you should include some personal experience.
- Our question bank now includes potential questions and example answers based on previous CST portfolio questions and surgical ST3 portfolio questions.
- We will update the question bank further following experiences within the 2025 interview.
General technique
Please consider interview technique as per the Medibuddy interview tips page (3).
It is important to remain calm and composed even when discussing areas of contention in scoring.
Try to make sure your enthusiasm and passion for surgery comes across.
References/ links
- https://medical.hee.nhs.uk/medical-training-recruitment/medical-specialty-training/surgery/core-surgery/core-surgical-training-self-assessment-scoring-guidance-for-candidates
- https://medical.hee.nhs.uk/medical-training-recruitment/medical-specialty-training/surgery/core-surgery/overview-of-core-surgery-training/interviews
- https://medibuddy.co.uk/core-surgical/core-surgical-interview-tips/

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